Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Homelessness in Australia

Question: Write about the Homelessness in Australia. Answer: Introduction The concept is concerned with a very high number of populations which is residing in a particular area and is more according to the number of residential facilities provided over there by the governing authorities or does not have access to safe shelter. This problem has been increased from the last few years and it has also been observed by the Mission Australia (Missionaustralia. 2017). Homelessness has become a global concern and also a very big issue due to the rapid boost in the population and also the concentration of the people from the urban regions. By the rate of the population which is relatively high to the size of that country or the specific region the high population density can be implied (Pettinger. 2016). The problem or the issues of the homelessness from the cities and urban areas can be resolved by bringing more and more of development in the infrastructures and also providing them employment opportunities as these are considered to be e main reasons for which the urban population move to more developed regions. The above presented report has been analyzed and mainly focused on the issues due to homelessness and at last some solutions have been provided for bringing reduction in the impacts of the issue. Findings Problems Due to Homelessness According to Marshy, M (1999) it has been observed that due to the psychological effects of social and dimensional density the people residing in highly crowded or overcrowded regions were more likely to become socially withdrawn and they have become less connected to the outside world and this has also lead in an increase in the aggressive responses in the behavior of the population. They are more likely to have many other effects on them due to homelessness and these issues comprises of health and personal entrapment. It has also been reviewed that there are some selective and modest effects of homelessness on human sexual behavior, people living in crowded regions are more likely to found with less number of friends and also they are not able to develop close relationships with their family members and neighbors. It is also believed that many of the homeless individuals also failed in their lives to cope-up with their issues and difficulties and which also makes them alienate. In case of the citys and urban areas high population density has been considered as the decentralization of small groups and communities and the associations which are into providing medical facilities to the individuals, safety and security, social control, opportunity for building personal identity and stability of culture. This all has been connected to an increased level of emotional stress, social disorganization, and physical conflict (psychology.iresearchnet. 2017). The situations of homelessness will be intensified by anxiety and hostility. And also a number of health issues are to be faced by the individuals (depts.washington.edu. 2017). And this may rise as they lack the attention of doctors and other medical facilities and due to which they duffer form multiple diseases such as: Cardio respiratory disease Cold injuries Skin and Nutritional deficiencies Mental un-stability Sleep deprivation Physical and sexual assaults Mortality HIV AIDS The issue of homelessness has also caused effects on the environment and social communities as the growth in the population plays a crucial role in keeping the vast resources in the world in a sustainable mode (Hinrichisen and Robey. 2000). The ever increasing number of population, their lifestyle, consumption patterns, and peoples inhabitants has a direct effect on the environment (nova. 2017). There is a direct relation between issues due to homelessness and environment degradation as more population will demand for more resources and more of wastage will be created (prb.org. 2016). Moreover homelessness have a negative impact on the local communities also. For instance there are 77% of chances that someone could sleep rough, 53% individuals can involve themselves in drinking and also there are chances that some could beg (homeless.org, 2017). Suggested Solutions The below mentioned are some of the solutions need to be developed for minimizing the distress caused due to the homelessness: Providing better and improved housing facilities by making use of the waste land and infrastructures Minimize or impose restrictions on the social interactions, Development of sustainability in the planning of land use From the above mentioned some of these can also have some negative impacts and consequences such as feeling lonely, lack of moral and social support etc. (healthabitat. 2017). Moreover some of the strategies have been suggested for the effects over the environment and social communities: Making and growing more and more of plants so as to expand more green laces such as parks, forests which are the most significant factors in the reduction of carbon and other pollutants too Providing them with educational facilities and employment opportunities Discussion Homelessness in Australia has been presented as global issues which leads and have many negative impacts on the health, psychology, environment and social well beings. Apart from this Marshy (1999) has also mentioned that due to overcrowding and homelessness the psychological wellbeing has been developed which also leads to generation of a sense of support and understanding. Moreover it has also been stated that an increase in the population has led to an increase in the rate of homelessness in the region and which has raised a need of development and establishment of houses which has made an increase in the consumption level of energy and all other available resources. Conclusion From the above carried out research report it can be concluded that homelessness in Australia has many negative impacts on the health, social, psychological and environmental factors. Psychological problems include lack of moral and social support, feeling loneliness, social detachment, anxiety, physically and mentally unstable etc. Whereas environmental issues are increase in the rate of pollution and decrease in the level of natural and all types of available resources and which has led to degradation of environment. And at last some solutions over these problems have been discussed. Recommendations Providing them with educational facilities and employment opportunities Providing better and improved housing facilities by making use of the waste land and infrastructures Making and growing more and more of plants so as to increase greenery and also implementation of various techniques and tools in industries which help in the reduction of emission of carbon and aloe making use of energy efficient devices for minimization of the energy consumption References Pettinger, T, 2016, Population density, Assessed on 27th April 2017, https://www.economicshelp.org/blog/20614/economics/population-density/. prb.org, 2016, Human population: Environment, Assessed on 27th April 2017, https://www.prb.org/Publications/LessonPlans/HumanPopulation/Environment.aspx healthabitat , 2017, Solutions to overcrowding, Assessed on 27th April 2017, https://www.healthabitat.com/big-issues/overcrowding. nova, 2017, Population and environment: a global change, Assessed on 27th April 2017, https://www.nova.org.au/earth-environment/population-environment. Hinrichisen, D and Robey, B, 2000, Population and the environment : Global challenge, Assessed on 27th April 2017, https://www.actionbioscience.org/environment/hinrichsen_robey.html. psychology.iresearchnet , 2017, Psychology research and reference: : Crowding, Assessed on 27th April 2017, https://psychology.iresearchnet.com/social-psychology/group/crowding. Missionaustralia, 2017, What is homelessness, Assessed on 27th April 2017, https://www.missionaustralia.com.au/what-we-do/homelessness-social-housing/what-is-homelessness. depts.washington.edu, 2017, Effects of homelessness, Assessed on 27th April 2017, https://depts.washington.edu/triolive/quest/2007/TTQ07033/effects.html. homeless.org, 2017, Impact of homelessness, Assessed on 27th April 2017, https://www.homeless.org.uk/facts/understanding-homelessness/impact-of-homelessness.

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